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论我国普通高校音乐教师的能力结构 中英文摘要            【字体:
论我国普通高校音乐教师的能力结构 中英文摘要
作者:管乐    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21




学位授予单位 首都师范大学  

中文关键词 普通高校音乐教育;能力结构;终身学习  

导师 杜晓十  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐教育 


中文摘要 普通高校音乐教育是我国音乐教育大背景下一重要组成部分。由于历史的原因,我国普通高校的音乐教育一直未得到应有的重视。作为刚刚起步的这项事业,其在教学内容、课程设置、师资建设和管理机制等一系列问题上均未形成相对完善的独立体系。本文试从普通高校音乐教育的组织者和引导者——音乐教师本身去探讨我国的这一新兴事业,笔者认为:教师的能力结构完善了,我国普通高校音乐教育事业将大有可为。本人通过问卷调查、个人访谈等形式对我国普通高校的部分学生和教师进行调查、统计和分析,以实证的手段探索我国普通高校音乐教师的能力结构:为这一领域增加师资建设方面的理论参考和实践指导。本文的主要内容分为以下几个部分:第一章问题的提出。本章是对为何要提出我国普通高校音乐教师能力结构探讨的一个综述;主要通过国内外研究现状研究的理论价值和实践意义两方面阐述。第二章调查和结果分析。即通过实际调查,结合调查结果进行汇总、整理和分析,为第三章提供事实依据。第三章我国普通高校音乐教师的能力结构。本章是论文的中心,对我国普通高校音乐教师能力结构进行分层论述。具体操作上主要以第二章的统计结果为依据,并以教师的知识储备和实际工作为依托,把教师的能力分为课堂教学能力、组织艺术实践能力、科研能力和自我学习能力等几个方面。笔者认为,教师的各个能力之间相互依存,相互渗透,相互促进,是一个水乳交融的有机整体。本章最后笔者还论述了教师的人格魅力对其能力结构完善的重大意义。第四章我国普通高校音乐教师能力提高之现实途径。作为整个论文的延伸,本章对我国普通高校音乐教师学习和再提高提出自己的设想,并进一步强调了我国普通高校音乐教师的终身学习能力。 


英文摘要 Music education in colleges and universities is an integral part of Chinese music education. Owing to the historical reasons, it has not been paid due attention. As one new undertaking, a series of issues including its teaching content, curriculum, teacher training and operation mechanism are far from a perfect separate system. This paper attempts to discuss this new undertaking from the organizer and guide of the music education in colleges and universities-music teachers themselves. The author holds the opinion that the music education in colleges and universities will be able to develop greatly if the teachers' ability is perfected. The author explored the ability structure of the music teachers in colleges and universities through the experimental methods-questionnaire and personal interviews were administered to some college teachers and students and had the statistical analysis of the results. It provides the theoretical reference and practical guidance for the teachers training. This paper falls into the following parts. Chapter 1-the topic for discussion: this chapter states generally the reasons why the issue "The ability structure of Chinese music teachers in colleges and universities" is put forward; discuss mainly from the research status quo from home and abroad and the theoretical value and actual meanings of the research. Chapter 2 is the research and result analysis, which is the factual basis for next chapter. Chapter 3-the ability structure of Chinese music teachers in colleges and universities: the focus of the paper. It states the ability structure of music teachers in colleges and universities from different levels. In detail, based on the statistical results, teachers' knowledge store and actual work, the teachers ability is classified as teaching ability in class, art practice organizational ability, research ability and self-study ability. The author thinks that each ability are interdependent, interwoven, and inter-promote, thus a harmonious unit. At the end of this chapter, the author also states the teachers' personality charm's role in perfection of the ability structure. Chapter 4-the realistic method of upgrading the ability of Chinese music teachers in colleges and universities: as the extension of the whole paper, it gives the plan for the upgrading of music teachers in colleges and universities and further emphasizes the teachers' life-long study ability.  

DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.8418  

文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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