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新课程标准下中学音乐教师专业素质的研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
新课程标准下中学音乐教师专业素质的研究 中英文摘要
作者:云露    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21



学位授予单位 山东师范大学  

中文关键词 新课程标准;中学音乐教师;专业素质;研究  

导师 黄明水  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 学科教学  


 新课程旨在将素质教育的理念落在实处,关键在于教师的素质。 音乐课程作为基础教育的组成部分和必修学科,多年来在取得长足发展的同时,也存在着诸多不适应时代发展的问题,音乐课程是整个基础教育中的薄弱环节没有得到根本性的改变,离素质教育的要求还有一定的距离,难以跟上21世纪社会经济和教育发展的步伐。因此,在音乐教育面临发展机遇和严峻挑战的今天,如何加强音乐教育自身的建设,完善音乐课程体系,推进美育的发展,已成为摆在我们音乐教师面前的一个十分重要和紧迫的课题。何况新课程对教师素质的要求提升到了专业人员素质的高度,中学音乐教师也不例外。尽管素质教育实施了二十多年,但由于在教学过程中忽略了对中学音乐教师专业素质的要求,致使中学音乐教师一直没有走出旧有的、单纯的知识传递者的角色,与有着较完整理论体系和实践模式的素质教育相比,教师专业素质研究无论从理论到实践都远远落后。尤其是对新课程标准下中学音乐教师专业素质的研究,目前尚缺乏基础理论的指导,又缺乏这一领域的调查研究及实验研究。本文借鉴吸收了国内外专家学者的研究成果,结合当前的音乐教师教学实际,进行了深入细致的调查研究,深刻分析了目前中学音乐教师专业素质的现状及其专业成长过程中存在的问题,明确提出了相应的对策,力求在以下几个方面有所发展和创新:(1)系统地探讨了专业人员的标准,为深入研究中学音乐教师专业素质提供了新思路。(2)通过问卷调查研究,分析了目前中学音乐教师专业素质发展中存在的问题,发现了中学音乐教师专业素质与新课程之间的落差,为如何提高新课程标准下中学音乐教师专业素质提出了建议。本文分为理论研究部分和问卷调查研究部分: 理论研究部分,探讨了新课程标准下中学音乐教师应具备的六项  

英文摘要 The new course aims at imlementing the beliefs of quality education .To make it , the key point is to improve the qualities of vocalismteachers . Vocalism is a obligatory course in foundation education . In recentyears, it's teaching action has improved much , but it is still a weak link.It is hard to meet the requirements of modern education and keep alongwith the steps of new century . Today facing more challenges and oppotunities ,how to improve the instruction of vocalism and how toenhance it's teaching is a very important task to us . The new courserequires all the teachers including those in middle schools to beprofessional in their fields . Although quality education has implemented for twenty years ,mostteachers have not changed their teaching style , they just purely pass theknowledge to students . Personally I think that they have a long way to goto meet the qualifications of new course . And the research in this fieldcan not satisfy the needs of modern education . I teach vocalism in a school and I made deep and subtleinvestigation and research on the problems lying in teachers today .Absorbing the findings of domestic and foreign scholars , I put forwardsome suggestions . My research includes two parts ,one is to study therelevent theories ,the other is to make a questionnaire . I hope my workcan help to find a answer that is how to improve the professional qualitiesof teachers . I suppose a qualified teacher should meet the following needs : (1)receive long time good education and enjoy professional qualities (2)study theories on juvenile development including Education andPsychology (3) bear right educational ideas (4) organize and handlethe class smoothly in the teaching process (5 ) instruct teaching actionwith the help of educational theories (6)rethink and improve the workall the time (7) bear the ability of studying all the time (8) bear theresponsibility and service of a teacher .I also made a questionnaire focusing on daily teaching actions andgot a conclusion . Vocalism teachers have the following weaknesses :(1) overlook Education and Psychology (2) lack the ability of realrethinking (3) lack the ability of studying all the time (4) lack workrespecting spirits .So to help teachers suit their new roles as soon as possible ,weshould : (1) adopt competition system (2) pay much attation to the realeffect of continuing education (3) emphasize the examination ofteachers (4) support teachers in many respects .  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10445.2.2006.4217  




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