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中学合唱教学中审美情趣的培养 中英文摘要            【字体:
中学合唱教学中审美情趣的培养 中英文摘要
作者:秦秋玲    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-21



学位授予单位 湖南师范大学  

中文关键词 审美情趣;合唱教学;素质  

导师 周跃峰  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 课程与教学论


中文摘要 2001年7月,国家教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准(实验稿)》正式出台,确立了以审美为核心,重视学生审美情趣的培养,重视和加强合唱教学的现代教育理念。在新课标的指引下,我以艺术教育学、音乐学科教育学、音乐美学、音乐教育心理学等为理论依据,综合音乐学科的本质特征和学科教学的最新成果,并结合自己在教学中的一些经验与体会,分析了目前中学合唱教学中存在的一些问题,提出了中学合唱教学中审美情趣培养的必要性,探讨了中学合唱教学中审美情趣培养的途径和方法以及对教师素质的发展和要求,力求使中学合唱教学不流于形式,真正使学生喜爱这种艺术形式,起到美育的效果。全文分为三个部分: 第一部分:中学合唱教学中审美情趣培养的必要性和可行性。首先概述了审美情趣,然后通过分析音乐教育的本质是审美教育,说明了培养审美情趣是音乐教育的本质要求。同时,又通过分析音乐教育存在的弊端,论证了培养审美情趣是音乐教育改革和发展的要求。另外还指出了培养审美情趣是提高合唱教学质量的重要途径。最后通过对中学生音乐审美心理特点的分析和具体的教学实践说明了培养审美情趣的可行性。第二部分:中学合唱教学中审美情趣培养的途径和方法。这一部分主要从合唱曲目的选择、合唱的技能技巧训练、合唱作品的感受与鉴赏、演唱合唱作品的实践等方面来论述在中学合唱教学中审美情趣  


英文摘要 July of 2001, The national Ministry of education promulgated compulsors system of standard courses in music education. These stardards will help establish,the beauty of appreciating music as the core content and establish the value of modern education as the principle that enhances the teaching of chorus music. Under the new objective guidelines,the art of music pedagogy, music esthetics and music psychology will help the innate characteristics of the music course thoughout its content.Under this music course content a teacher with some teaching experience in music will realize some of the problems,currently facing middle school music courses, the beauty and appreciation of teaching middle school chorus music, the beauty that music will have upon the development of a teacher's characterly not making the teaching of music to formalistic and finally this kind of art form will enhance his education experience .The full text is divided into three parts:The first part: to appreciate the beauty of teaching middle school chorus in an interesting and diversified way .Second,to analyze the innate charactes of music education by explaining the interesting aspects of the various characteristics of music content.third,to analyze the irregularities in music education and to reform the development in music education.Thus increasing ,the quantity of music chorus teaching to a higher standard. Finally,to appreciate the mental characteristics and beauty of music to show middle school student's the concrete possibilities of how to enjoy good musical teaching .The second partto appreciate the interesting aspects of teaching middle school musical chorus by using this new methods.The main focus is the technical ability that the musical chorus uses to train and appreciate the feel of the music.By singing on stages and with practice the middle school chorus teaching method gives a deeper appreciation and beauty by the lessons for musical chorus teaching by example.The third part:to appreciate the beauty of middle school music teaching as it affects the interest of the teacher .Teacher's as well as student's would all benefit from this modern educational teaching idea. It would have an effect as to having a acholarly and great leaning knowledge to help define a music teacher's image.  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10542.2.2006.6796  


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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