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高师钢琴必修课教材的历史沿革与改革对策研究 中英文摘要            【字体:
高师钢琴必修课教材的历史沿革与改革对策研究 中英文摘要
作者:俞卓    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20



学位授予单位 东北师范大学  

中文关键词 高师钢琴必修课;教材;综合;多元化  

导师 陈国红  

论文级别 硕士  

学科专业名称 音乐学  


中文摘要 钢琴教学作为高师音乐教学的必修课,一直以来受到各方面的高度重视。因为它培养出的学生直接关系到中小学音乐教学的成败。钢琴教学过程即教师向学生传授知识的过程。知识的基本内容来自教材,高质量的教材,既能促使教师在备课和教学中增强能力、提高水平,更能促使学生通过学习得到系统的、实用的知识。因此,教学质量的优劣,在某种程度上取决于教材质量的高低。本文从以下四个方面对钢琴基础教材的历史与发展做了一些理论研究。第一部分:问题的提出 2001年颁布的《中小学音乐课程标准》向高师提出了严峻的挑战。原有的教学理念及教材体系已经不适应新的课程标准。因此,高师钢琴必修课必须要寻找出一条更有利于自身发展的途径,以使自己的学生更加适应社会的需要。而钢琴教材的建设便是其中的一个重要因素。为了研究钢琴必修课教材我们就必须了解它的概念及属性如:教材、教材与学科、教材与教科书、教材与课程、钢琴必修教材第二部分:钢琴必修课教材的历史沿革 高师钢琴必修课教材经历了三个发展阶段,由其历史背景及教育理念的不同而各有特色。在对教材编排体系与内容做出评价的同时,我们也发现了一些不足之处。并为下一部分的阐述埋下了伏笔。第三部分:钢琴必修课教材的改革对策理论研究 在人本主义教育思潮的影响下,教育的发展取向是体现人本、尊重个性,为人的全面发展服务。教材应充分体现综合性原则、多元化原则、创造性原则、注意以学生为本、重视实践活动等问题,在尊重教材筛选理论原则的同时,处理好各种影响教材发展方向与内容的关系。第四部分:结语


英文摘要 Piano teaching is the basic lecture in the normal university. People pay great attention to it. Because the student come from the normal university will be the teacher of the junior school or the middle school. The process of the piano lecture is the process of the teacher teach the knowledge to the students. Knowledge come form the textbook. High quality textbook can promote the capability and level of teaching. It can also promote the students get the system and actual knowledge. So the quality of the teaching is depend on the quality of the textbook. This article did some theory research about the history and the reform of the piano basic textbook. Part one: background The standard of the junior and middle school music course was publish in 2001. It's the challenge of the normal university. The primitive textbook and teaching theory can not admit the new course standard. Then the piano required course in the normal university must find a way that is benefit itself and make the students fit the require of the society. Part two: the evolution of the piano required course textbook The piano textbook undergo three steps. Because every step has it's own background and teaching theory, and the contents of the textbook are all different. When I analyse and evaluate the textbook I find some weak point. Part three: the research of the piano required course textbook's reform Under the reflect of the human doctrine ,the development of the education is to embody the human doctrine. Respect characters and serve for the development of the human. The textbook should embody the comprehensive, various, creation and pay attention to student's development and practice activity. When we respected the theory of the textbook's selection, we should also handled the relation of every kind of development ways that influence the textbook and continents. And the exploit of the piano required course textbook just like Medium, VCD, CD Part four conclusion  

DOI CNKI::CDMD:10200.2.2003.3716  


文章录入:赵洪啸    责任编辑:赵洪啸 
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