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关于新课程音乐课堂教学中文化拓展问题的探究 中英文摘要            【字体:
关于新课程音乐课堂教学中文化拓展问题的探究 中英文摘要
作者:邢海燕    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-20



学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 新课程;音乐课堂教学;音乐与相关文化  
导师 郑莉  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学 

在新一轮的音乐课程改革中,《标准》对中小学音乐课的传统内容进行了新的整合与拓展,其中新拓展的领域就包括“音乐与相关文化”。音乐课的人文学科属性在这一领域中得到了集中的体现,它涉及到音乐与社会生活、音乐与姊妹艺术、音乐与艺术之外的其它学科等方面,其特点是涉及的领域比较广,信息量比较大、而且紧贴学生的实际生活。文化内涵的拓展对于学生从多角度认识音乐的价值、音乐的社会功能、音乐与人类生活的密切关系具有重要意义,于是它一经提出,就引起了音乐教师的极大关注,随之在音乐课堂教学中,进行文化拓展尝试的课例也层出不穷,音乐课堂呈现出了丰富多彩,欣欣向荣的景象,但是在这种看似“繁荣”的外表下,也暴露出了不少的问题,这些问题需要我们对文化拓展本身有一个理性、冷静、客观的思考。 本文采用理论与实践相结合的方法,从音乐课堂教学文化拓展的理论研究入手,立足于教学实践,对当前音乐课堂教学中的文化拓展现状进行了客观地分析,指出:文化拓展的实施使音乐课堂发生了变化,但同时也暴露出一些值得我们关注的问题。这些问题在不同程度上反映出,当前我们对于文化拓展问题的认识还存在着一些误区。为了使我们更加全面、深入地认识文化拓展问题,使其真正发挥出它应有的作用与价值,按照《课标》中对这一领域内容的划分,本文分别从音乐与姊妹艺术、音乐与社会生活、音乐与相关文化三个不同角度出发,结合教学案例进行分析与论述。试图从不同的案例中,总结其成功的经验,分析其存在的问题,从而使我们能在教学实践层面对音乐课堂教学中的文化拓展问题,有进一步的认识与把握。 在理论与实践研究基础上,针对教学实践操作中存在的问题,本文就文化拓展实施中应把握的原则与应注意的事项,提出了一些实施建议,旨在与大家的共同探讨中,抓住问题的核心,使文化拓展更加科学、合理、有效。 当前,我国的音乐课程改革正处在一个由点试验到面上推广的关键时期,要想真正实现音乐教育在提升学生文化素养方面的价值,就一定离不开对音乐课堂教学文化拓展问题的研究,同时,对此问题的探讨,也将有助于当前音乐课程改革的顺利进行。  

英文摘要 With the reform of music curriculum, the new curricular standard in China integrates and expands the traditional content of music class in elementary school and middle school. "Music and related culture" is part of this new area. Music and related culture concentrately embody humanities attributes, which refer to music and social life, music and companion arts, music and other subjects, characterized by extensive knowledge and strong participation. The expanding of culture intension is of importance to the students knowing about music value, and its signification to the human development from different views. Since it is proposed, it has attracted many concentrations. In the music classes, there is a trial of culture expanding, and music classes are becoming exciting. However, under the surface, there exist some problems, which should be thought rationally, calmly and objectively. This research was inspired from the theory of culture expanding in music class, using the theory and the practice, to analyze the situation of culture expanding in music class, conclude the changes of culture expanding, and pinpoint the problems. This thesis has described some cases in music class, analyzed them in the aspects of music and social life, music and companion arts, music and other subjects, according to the curriculum and try to get some successful experiences from these cases, which are useful in music education. At last, with my reflection on the theory and practice, I try to provide some suggestions for music teachers, and hope these ideas are helpful for music teachers to understand culture expanding, and to use them in their education practice, and to make culture-expanding play an important role in realizing the aim of music education.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2006.8583

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