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互联网音乐资源利弊分析与对策研究            【字体:
作者:孙梅    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 互联网;音乐资源;利弊;对策  
导师 郑莉  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 学科教学  

中文摘要 人类已经进入互联网时代,网络对我们生活的方方面面都在发生广泛而深刻的影响。音乐教育同样面临网络音乐资源带给我们的前所未有的机遇与挑战。作为一种全新的信息载体,互联网音乐资源既有突出的积极作用,又有明显的局限与缺陷。而国内国外音乐教育领域迄今尚未有系统的对策性研究。因此,本文在国家音乐新课程标准的指导下,力图探索网络化社会中音乐教育的新途径和新对策,填补这一音乐教育研究的空白。 本文以一个音乐教育工作者的视角,对“互联网音乐资源”概念进行了定义,介绍了国内外依托互联网进行音乐教育的现状。本着音乐教育理论与实践相结合的原则,运用中外比较法、案例与实证说明法、问卷定量统计法等研究方法,对互联网音乐资源的优势、缺陷及部分内容的特殊性做了系统分析,并针对这些缺陷与特殊性,提出了音乐教育工作中如何扬长避短、弥补网络音乐资源的缺陷和不足,遏制其负面影响的一系列对策,而且为实现这些对策设计了若干专门的课例。 全文共有五个部分。第一章为绪论,主要分两部分论述了选题缘起、研究意义、研究方法及国内外对互联网资源发展与利用的现状。第二章主要分析了互联网音乐资源的特点及在音乐教育中的优势与弊端。第三章总结了教师在利用互联网进行优选音乐资源时应该遵循的基本原则以及音乐教育者为适应新时期教育要求,提高教学效率及教学质量,在思想上应该具备的教育新理念。第四章从音乐教育的理论与实践两个角度,提出对互联网音乐资源如何扬长避短、弥补缺陷的具体教育对策。第五部分是全文的结语。 

英文摘要 We have already entered the Internet times , Internet is making changes extensively and deeply to our life. The music education is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges come from Internet music resources. Internet music resources has outstanding positive effect, meanwhile has obvious shortcomings. But till now, there are few studies on countermeasures in home and abroad. Therefore, this paper tries to investigate the new path of music education in the Internet society. In the paper it tried to definite the conception "Internet music resources", then introduced contemporary condition of domestic and international music education by the Internet. And the paper systemically analyzed all kind characteristics of Internet music resources in following three aspects: advantages, disadvantages and particularities. In the part of core contents, from two angles of theories and practice of music education, this paper bring up different education countermeasures for Internet music resources shortcomings, and designed some lesson examples to practice these countermeasures. The paper contains five parts. Chapter 1 is introduction to the paper background such as its origin, studying meaning, studying method, domestic and international situation of Internet music resourceses developping and exploitation. Chapter 2 analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the Internet music resources in music educating. Chapter 3 sums up principles of education by Internet music resourceses. Chapter 4 from two angles of theories and practice of music education, bring up different education countermeasures for Internet music resources shortcomings. The fifth part is the conclusion over the paper.  
DOI CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.040544  

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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