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数字化手段在声乐教学中的运用            【字体:
作者:尤志国    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 河北大学  
中文关键词 数字化;声乐教学;系统;特点;意义功能  
导师 梅宝树  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 艺术学  

中文摘要 随着信息技术、多媒体技术、因特网技术伴随人类跨入21世纪,在“信息时代”、“网络社会”、“高科技社会”、“后工业时代”的背景下;在“终身教育”、“学习化社会”的国际教育大环境下,社会对人才的培养要求越来越高,在“四个学会”、“创新教育”等众多概念早就唱响了世纪之交的主旋律,教育逐步成为新时期社会发展的原动力,世界大多数国家已经意识到这个问题,并相继掀起了教育改革的浪潮。一些先进的音乐教育理念应运而生,迫使我们必须严肃地审视世界和中国的音乐教育现状。据《音体美报》2000年2月28日报道:“100%的学生喜欢音乐,而80%的学生不喜欢音乐课”这一调查数据,提醒着我们每一位音乐教育工作者,该怎样把音乐课上出时代特色?怎样使音乐课独具魅力吸引学生……无疑,在(?)的教育理念、教育体制下,教师固有的观念和传统的教法已经难以适应新时期教育的发展的需求。随着我国音乐教育事业的全面普及以及由于高校扩招带来师资不足的巨大压力,无疑给音乐特别是声乐教育工作者提出一个艰巨的任务:如何从现代音乐教育理念的角度去理解数字化手段在声乐教学中运用的必然性;如何寻找数字化手段与声乐教学的结合点进而改进传统的声乐教学;如何用数字化手段教育培养现代音乐人才;如何建构数字化声乐教学体系;如何准确客观理解分析数字化声乐教学的特点;如何对原有课堂环节、课程设置、教材编写乃至教学基本观念进行改革;如何把握数字化声乐教学手段的功能和意义,进而实现声乐教育质量的全面提升,为全民音乐素质的全面提高提供一定的保证…… 令人欣慰的是:历史赋予了中国音乐教育新的发展契机。近年来,随着计算机技术的发展,电脑进入了千家万户,于此同时互联网的高速发展使得全世界利用电脑、互联网进行工作、交流、学习研究的人数不断增长。人们更方便、快捷地利用电脑从国际互联网上查询信息、收集资料、进行知识交流。人们的生活、工作与学习的方式正在发生历史性的变化!此时,声乐教育必须抓住机遇,利用科技迅速调整相关课程教学模式,将伴随着计算机发展而逐步成熟的计算机音乐制作技术和多媒体系统引入教学中,改进教学模型、提高教学效率,它们的应用不仅关系着我国  

英文摘要 With the information technology, multi-media technology and Internettechnology entering into the 21th century together with the human being,the demand for the cultivation of the talented persons from the societyis increasing. Under the background of information age, Internet society,high technological society and post- industrial period, creative educationand other concepts have already played the melody at the turn of the century,and education is becoming the original motive for the social developmentof the new period. Most countries in the world have already realized thisproblem and started a upsurge of reforms one after another. Some advancedmusic teaching concepts have emerged, which forces us to inspect the presentmusic teaching situation of the world and of China. According to the reportof The Music PE and Aesthetics Newspaper on February 25th, 2000, one hundredpercent of the students like music, but eighty percent of them dislike musicclass. This fact reminds all the music teachers of how to make the musicclass embody the features of the time, and how to make the music class fullof fascination as to attract the students. No doubt that teachers' innatenotions and traditional teaching methods can' t adapt to the developmentof education in the new century. With the overall popularization of thenational music teaching and the great pressure of the scarcity of teachersbrought about by extending enrollment in colleges and universities, a newtask is assigned to music teachers: how to understand the inevitabilityof the application of digitized means of teaching in vocal music teachingfrom an angle of modern teaching notions; how to find the combination pointbetween digitized means and vocal music teaching and then improve thetraditional teaching; how to cultivate modern music talents by digitizedmeans; how to analyze the characteristics of digitized vocal music teachingaccurately and objectively; how to reform the original class set-up, thecompilation of teaching materials, and even the basic notions about musicteaching; how to take hold of the function and meanings of the digitizedvocal music teaching, and then improve the quality of the all-rounddevelopment of vocal music teaching. Thus, we can provide a guarantee forthe overall development of the music quality of our people.Fortunately, history has endowe'd a new opportunity for the music education in China. In recent years, with the development of computer technology, computers have come into innumerable households. At the same time, with the rapid development of Internet, the number of people using computers and Internet to work, communicate and study is increasing as well. Nowadays, people can seek information, collect data and exchange knowledge more conveniently and quickly. Historic changes are taking place in the way of people' s life, work and study. Therefore, at this time, vocal music education must grasp the opportunity, use science and technology to adjust teaching patterns, introduce the computerized music-production technology and the multi-media system to music teaching, improve the teaching patterns and raise the teaching efficiency. Their application not only concerns the development of our music education cause, but the music talents cultivated in this way will affect the development of the basic education pattern and the improvement of the qualities of the talents.The Digitized Music Education Society of Chinese Musicians Association initiated by twelve music conservatories and Art Colleges of normal universities in our country was founded in The Art College of Nanjing, on November 12th, 2001. Meantime, the first seminar on STN National Digitized Music Education was held in Nanjing and will continue once every year, which marks the speed-up of China' s digitized music education. So it has brought about both opportunities and challenges for the music education of China, especially the vocal music education of China in the new century. This thesis will discuss the digitized means application in vocal music education in the following sections: preface, the inevitability of the application of digitized means in vocal music education, the introduction of digitized vocal teaching system, the characteristics of digitized vocal music teaching, the meanings and function of digitized vocal music teaching, and the prospect of the application of digitized means in vocal music education.  
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10075.2.2004.1012 

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