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少年宫音乐教学中的创新教育探析            【字体:
作者:刘雪晶    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 少年宫;音乐;创新教育  
导师 郑莉  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐教育

中文摘要 当前,随着社会发展和技术进步,国内外竞争日趋激烈,培养创新型人才已成为时代所需。少年宫教育中音乐教育作为我国素质教育的有机组成部分,也具有培养学生创新精神和创新能力的重任。如何正确理解与实施音乐创新教育已成为当今我国少年宫音乐教育中所关注的问题之一。 本文对创新教育的涵义、及其理论依据进行简要概述,并就音乐创新教育在少年宫实施的必要性和如何实施进行了初步探讨。对于少年宫音乐教育而言,在正确的音乐教育观念指导下,进行科学、合理地音乐创新教育,不仅学生的情感、审美能力、智力、个性等会得到全面和谐发展,而且学生的创新精神和创新能力也会得到发展。因此,把握少年宫音乐创新教育,既要遵循音乐学习规律及学生心理发展特点,进行音乐基本知识、技能的学习,更要以培养、发展、提高创新能力为中心,通过音乐的手段、音乐教育的途径,以促进学生的情感、审美能力、智力、个性等方面的整体发展基础上,满足学生音乐学习需要,以促进音乐学习能力和创新能力的提高,为学生终身发展奠定良好的基础。 全文共分四个章节。第一部分对创新教育进行了概述;第二部分主要阐述了创新教育的理论依据;第三部分简要分析了少年宫音乐活动中大力倡导创新教育的必然性、必要性;第四部分重点探讨了在少年宫音乐活动中创新教育的如何实施。 

英文摘要 Nowadays, with society development and technology progress, domestic and international competition becomes more and more intense, cultivating creative talents will meet to the demand of the times. As the indispensable composition of Education for all-around development in our country, music education in Children's Palace should take the responsibility of children's creative spirit and ability. And how to comprehend and carry out music creative teaching rightly has been concentrated in our country. This article generalizes the meaning and theories of creative education and discusses why and how to carry out it in Children's Palace. As far as music education in Children's Palace is concerned, under the correct guidance of music educational ideas, rational music creative education should contribute to children's all-around development not only in aesthetic faculties, intelligence and personality but also in creative spirit and ability. Therefore, to master music creative education in Children's Palace, it's necessary for us as follows: following the law of music learning and children's psychological characteristics, to instruct basic music knowledge and ability; focusing on cultivating creative ability, to promote children's all-around development in emotion, aesthetic faculties, intelligence and personality by means of music; and on the basis of it, to improve children's learning ability and creative ability so that children can benefit from it in all their lives. There are four parts in this article. The first part generalizes creative education. The second part introduces the theories about creative education. Section three analyzes how necessary advocating creative education in music teaching in Children's Palace is. And the last part discusses how to carry out creative education in music teaching in Children's Palace.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2006.9175 

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