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对普通高校音乐教育的思考            【字体:
作者:药晓霞    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 普通高校;音乐教育;审美;艺术实践  
导师 冯兰芳  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学

中文摘要 普通高校的音乐教育是指以非音乐专业的大学生为对象、以课堂教学为主要手段、以校园文化活动为载体、以音乐知识文化和音乐欣赏为基本内容的审美教育。跨入了科技高度发展的21世纪,人类社会日新月异,竞争异常激烈。“科学技术就是生产力”、“科教兴国”等等观念的提出,使得全面综合素质的培养迫在眉睫,而艺术素质的培养又是其中的点睛之笔,它推动着科技的发展,促进社会的进步。由于教育体制、社会现状以及人们的思想观念等方面的原因,当前我国的音乐艺术教育比较薄弱,学生进入高校以后,主要接受的是本学科专业教育、技术教育,音乐教育在师资、课程设置和艺术实践进行中没有规范化、制度化。国内音乐素质教育参差不齐,尤其是西部显得相对弱势。为提高我国社会主义精神文明、继承中华民族传统优秀文化,我们必须加强高校大学生的音乐教育的培养。 尽管社会各界都在呼吁艺术教育的重要,但事实上,人们并没有真正意识到音乐的重要性。在中学阶段,由于升学的压力,音乐课往往被压缩课时甚至停上,导致中学和大学之间的音乐教育有些断层,这种现象应该引起我们音乐工作者的思考。 本课题运用了问卷调查法、比较分析法、演绎与归纳等研究方法。主要是通过对晋、冀、鲁、豫四省八所普通高校音乐教育现状的调查,反映出我国许多普通高校音乐教育普遍存在的问题和现象,对普通高校音乐教育今后的发展提出了一些看法和建议。把音乐教育的体验、功能、作用相结合,梳理音乐在人文科学中较为独特的特征,分析音乐教育的作用,进而从理论上剖析一个纵向的脉络。把音乐作为一种人文学科,音乐教育作为美育的一种重要途径,来认识音乐素质的培养对人的发展所起的作用。结合《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》以及《学校艺术教育工作规程的精神》(2001年—2010年),尽快改变普通高校音乐教育相对薄弱的状况,提高大学生的音乐艺术素质。呼吁全社会都来重视音乐艺术教育、重视大学生的音乐艺术修养,是各界领导干部和我们音乐工作者责无旁贷的使命。 

The music education in universities and colleges refers to the art education, of which knowledge and appreciation of music is its main content, the college students of non-music major are its objects, classroom teaching is its major means, and on-campus cultural activities are regarded as its carrier. Having stepped into the 21st century of the highly-developed technology, society is presenting its change every day with competition becoming more and more intense. The proposal of new notions such as "Science and technology is productivity" "Science and technology helps our country thrive" makes it urgent to foster the persons with all-round qualities. However, the quality of art is most important one of them. At present, the music education in China is quite poor, especially in the western China. This condition firstly results from the present education system, social situations, and people's concept. Secondly, since they are not music major students, their education in this period is professional education and technical education on their major mainly. Thirdly, the music education hasn't been regularized and systematized on teachers, curriculum setting and art practice. To improve the socialist culture and ethics, and inherit conventional culture of Chinese nation, we have to strengthen the training of college students' art qualities. Although the whole society is calling for the importance of art education, people haven't realized it in their practice. During the period of middle school, music classes are often neglected or even canceled because of the pressure of entrance examination for university, which makes the music education chasm between middle schools and colleges. We should attach great importance to the phenomenon. This thesis uses a lot of methods such as questionnaire, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, etc. to investigate the present situation among eight universities and colleges in four districts of Jin, Ji, Lu and Yu. It reflects some universal problems and phenomena existing in music education, and some suggestions are submitted. The author tries to summarize the exclusive feature of music in art science on the basis of integration of experience for music education and function of it. And, treating the music as  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2006.8918 

文章录入:风信子    责任编辑:风信子 
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