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作者:刘晶秋    文章来源:洪啸音乐教育工作站    点击数:    更新时间:2008-2-19


学位授予单位 首都师范大学  
中文关键词 普通高校;音乐教育;声乐教学  
导师 王安国  
论文级别 硕士  
学科专业名称 音乐学 


英文摘要 Presently, ordinary college music education in entire music education domain, no matter is the fundamental research art practice all is at the relatively weak position. The related ordinary university music education various branches domain research also all needs to strengthen. The article first makes a sketchy inspection on the ordinary university music education overall present situation is a background, take the ordinary university vocal music teaching existence question as the clue, in recarefully examines the ordinary university vocal music teaching the importance and in the feasible foundation, makes every effort to grasp the ordinary university vocal music teaching the particularity, then from vocal music curriculum teaching the and so on teaching goal, teaching way,teaching method, course content, teaching appraisal basic link various aspects detailed is adds by proves its implementation detailed rule. The expectation can be engaged in the vocal music curriculum teaching personnel for the ordinary university music education to provide integrity, the systematic thought way and the reference significance.  
DOI cnki:CDMD:10028.2.2005.8832

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